Starter Guide to Workplace Meditation, Mindfulness & ASMR

Aylin (Eli) Ihnen
6 min readAug 8, 2022

Read on for instant stress relief at work!

Aylin Ihnen, August 2022

Mindfulness, ASMR and Meditation at work

When life at work becomes chaotic, it can be extremely tempting to feel as if we have no control over the unfolding events before us.

Although we cannot foresee the future (what a gift that would be, certainly), we do have a hand in how we receive and react to each situation.

But we can use the power of our minds and consciousness to change how we feel, how we react, and even how we progress forward within the workplace.

We collectively recognize that we need great focus at work to achieve our goals and succeed because we know that we must stay on task to get through our to-do list or team-assigned workload.

But how can we continue to maintain our focus when life becomes stressful? It’s one thing to be productive during gentle times. During overwhelming periods of time, it’s another challenge altogether.

Thankfully, there are many impactful ways to significantly enhance our success capacity at work and reduce stress using mindfulness practices.

Meditation and ASMR are not typically included within a corporate training program, but they could be the key change-makers within any professional environment. Including yours!

So here’s what you need to know about the practices that really could make all the difference!


Millions of YouTube users are listening to popular ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) videos during their working day to distress and calm their otherwise busy minds.

In an article written by Kristine Spure, published on the blog Trello, “Can ASMR `Tingles`Really Make You More Productive,” she talks about an ASMR self-test to see if it increases her productivity at work. The result is that their work efficiency has increased by a mind-blowing 22%.

Many other ASMR listeners have reported far greater productivity due to improved focus for longer periods of time.

Further to this, lower levels of stress can cultivate a far more balanced work life. So — what is this magical phenomenon?

Quite simply, it is engaging in watching or listening to stimulating noises and movements to relax. The activities vary immensely, between hair brushing and dental flossing through rolling marbles and tapping various surfaces with textured tools.

The important thing is not the entertainment factor. It is the relaxation — it sparks the mind and body. Ambient noise has long been used to focus the mind, and this fresh approach could revolutionize your personal sense of balance during your working day.


There is a highly factual saying that when you least feel you have time for meditation are the moments you need it most. This applies very fittingly to workplace stress and agitation.

You might feel as if you have no time, yet setting aside a few quality moments to reconnect with your inner consciousness could help you become more productive and sharper than you might otherwise be.

The Significance of Stress Relief

Stress relief is of significant importance! If your emotions are agitated, your work will automatically suffer, along with your ability to communicate with your team.

Schedule 15-minute slots within your day (start with one per day to get you started) where you step away from your work to sit quietly for a few moments alone.

Focus only on your inhale to exhale with your eyes gently closed. If you feel your mind wandering, then gently guide it back to your breathing patterns.

Applying this practice ahead of an important meeting or just before you leave for home at night could benefit your mental health and productivity in more ways than you might ever have expected.


When we become overloaded with stress, our mind tends to go on autopilot or plunge us into a frustrating ‘brain fog’ where we cannot make clear or positive decisions for ourselves. To avoid this, we must reconnect with our inner thoughts and a deeper sense of intuition.

Mindfulness is, in essence, the practice of consciousness from a restorative perspective. So instead of pushing our minds to their limit, it’s about listening to what our minds and bodies actually have to tell us.


Relax on stressful working days
  • Consider how tense your jaw is, could you relax it?
  • Reflect on how hunched your shoulders are, could you roll them back to allow deeper breathing?
  • Think over how your emotions are at the end of each day, what could be tweaked within your schedule to improve your emotional wellbeing and personal balance?

These simple self-checks will reconnect you with your empowered self.

The fact that you are seeking guidance regarding stress relief at work illustrates your need to restore internal balance.

This willingness to embrace new helpful practices and effective methods is a reflection of how flexible you are and open to experimentation. This skill will help you implement these methods, as described above — into your daily routine.


As a first trial, feel free to test the effect of mindfulness meditation in your workplace by listening to the 4-minute meditation audio I recently created.

See if it helps you in your daily work. You can listen to it — here on this page of the website — or download it to your mobile device.

You have the tools to begin and everything you need to get started!

No matter what kind of occupation you have or what level you operate at, these rejuvenating practices can benefit you.

Some benefits you will experience may not be loud and noisy, but they are impactful all the same.

Don’t rush to the finish line. This is a journey rather than a destination. Consider each activity as a supportive aide, gently encouraging you in the right direction to achieve your professional goals whilst taking good care of your wellbeing.

There is no ‘wrong’ when it comes to the art of workplace mindfulness. If you lose your way while meditating, don’t focus on this as a setback.

If ASMR doesn’t work quite as well one day as it might have the day before, don’t be impatient — continue and keep going. This is an ongoing trial and error practice rather than a specific accolade to achieve on your resume.

Be patient, kind, and gentle with yourself. Nurture your emotional needs and be generous with the time you devote to your exercises, and you will be fine.

Do not waste any time — take a short break now and try this 4-minute mindfulness meditation!

Aylin Ihnen — Thank you for supporting my content



Aylin (Eli) Ihnen

Freelance Marketer talks about new Tech, Marketing updates, decentralized Apps (Web 3.0 dApps) for daily use, and helpful online tools for Content Creators.